
2020 + 2021 - Infinite Recharge


In January of 2020, Covid-19 came to the USA. On March 16th, the announcement came that school would be closed for two weeks. The two week break didn't end for two years.

During lockdown, our team didn't progress much. We followed the safety guidelines, and remained in our homes.

After prioritizing our safety, our team was able to join back together at the end of 2021, for Rapid React.

Student Leadership

2019-2020 Season

Program Manager- Ethan W.

Chief Engineer- Maxwell P.

Chief Marketing and Operations Officer- Adriana P. 

2020-2021 Season

Program Manager- Adriana P.

Chief Engineer- Maxwell P.

Chief Marketing and Operations Officer- Sarah M.

Infinite Recharge - 2020 + 2021 Challenge

FIRST® Infinite Recharge, the 2020 and 2021 FIRST® Robotics Competition game, includes two alliances trying to protect against an incoming asteroid shower that's aimed at FIRST City! Both alliances are working to power up their shield generator by using alliance droids to score Power Cells

Each match begins with a 15-second Autonomous period in which Robots operate only on preprogrammed instructions. During this period, Droids attempt to score Power Cells into any of their three available Power Ports.

During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the match, the Teleoperated period, student drivers control Robots. Teams on an Alliance work together to continue to collect Power Cells, and drive them across the city to activate Sections of their Power Generator. Near the end of the match, droids race to their Rendezvous Point to make their Shield Generator operational!