
Tim the Enchanter - 2016 Robot

Awards and Recognitions

Judges Award - MAR District Championship

Quarterfinalist - MAR District Championship

Archimedes Semi-Finalist - FIRST Championship

Bucks County Courier Times - "Bensalem robotics team heading to international competition"

CBS News Philadelphia - "High School Gears Up For International Robotics Competition" 

Team 5401 Youtube - "CBS Philly News Segment"

Student Leadership

Team Captain - Matt G.

Safety Captain - Jimmy K.

Stronghold - 2016 Challenge

FIRST STRONGHOLD is played on a 27 ft. by 54 ft. field. Each alliance commands one tower, five defenses, and a ‘secret passage’ which allows their robots to restock on ammunition, called boulders. One defense in each alliance’s set of five, the low bar, is a permanent part of the field. Three defenses are selected strategically by the alliance prior to the start of their match. The final defense changes periodically by audience selection.

Each match begins with a 15-second autonomous period in which robots operate independently of human control. During this period, robots attempt to cross opposing defenses and score in the opposing tower.

During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the match, called the teleop period, robots are controlled by student drivers from behind their castle wall at the end of the field. Teams on an alliance work together to cross defenses, weaken the opposing tower by scoring boulders in it, and finally surround, scale and capture the tower.