
Who We Are

Team 5401, The Fightin' Robotic Owls, is a FIRST Robotics Team based in Bensalem High School in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. FIRST Robotics combines the excitement of a sporting event with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, our student-run team must raise funds, develop teamwork skills, and build/program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. It is as close to real-world engineering as we can get, with professional mentors volunteering their time and talents to guide our team.

Part of our core mission is a commitment to promoting and supporting STEM education at all levels, both in our school district and our community as a whole. Thanks to our many successes over the past years, including 2019 when we finished in 4th place at FIRST World Championships, our community has grown to love our team and mission. Our mission has allowed us to bring FLL and FTC teams to all of the middle schools and elementary schools in Bensalem through our STEM Ambassador Program. This program is supported by our team, who volunteers weekly during the FLL and FTC season. By doing this, we are giving kids with a passion for STEM a place to challenge themselves and have a hands-on experience. We also open up our lab every summer for a Robotics Summer Camp program. This program is open to all Bucks County students in grades 6-8. The camp is student-led and, thanks to our generous community partners, it is completely free of charge.


Team 5401 is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all members. The team does not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, homophobia, or racism. We strive to be supportive of all, no matter who they may be.

Our team has turned into a FRO Family. We support people from all walks of life, and treat each other with kindness and respect. We welcome anyone who joins with open arms!


Since our founding in 2015, we have sent 95% of our students off to college or a trade. Over the past ten years, our team’s graduating seniors have earned over $1.5 million in college scholarships and have gone off to attend colleges and universities such as California Institute of Technology, Drexel, Penn State, and Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University. Additionally, our alumni have gone on to make an impact at companies such as Boeing, Ford Motor Co, and PECO.

Mission Statement:

•  We are committed to promoting and supporting STEM education at all levels both in our school district and in our community as a whole.

•  We believe that everyone is welcome on this team, no matter their ability or interest they can find it in something we do.

•  We participate in community service and outreach to show our team spirit, introduce others to FIRST, and give back to the community that supports us.

•  We will grow, mentor, and sustain a family of FIRST teams at all levels throughout Bucks County.

•  We choose to be a self-funded team so we aren’t a strain on the school district’s financial resources. Additionally, we collect no dues from team members because, as a Title 1 School, we do not want financial constraints limiting participation.

•  We enhance students’ interest in STEM and business fields by engaging them with experienced mentors that challenge them with real world situations that build character and foster a lifelong appreciation for teamwork.

•  We are not an after school club. We are a well run professional organization and competitive sport, preparing the next generation of engineers, entrepreneurs and leaders.