First Lego League – Team 5401

First Lego League

Since the beginning of the year, we have been helping mentor and train the First Lego League (FLL) team that we started at Struble Elementary school. As rookies, we thought it would be important for the elementary students to get extra help from experienced members of our team. One of the students that participated in one of the FLL team’s first meetings mentioned that, “The students at Struble were inexperienced and unfocused in their work, but they were driven and willing to work harder.” At their last meeting, we got to see how much they have grown over the past few weeks. Another one of our students that was present at the last meeting mentioned that, “The students were well organized and very excited for their upcoming event. We offered them help on their presentation skills. Almost immediately after hearing what we said, they fixed their mistakes and their presentation was ten times better.” Their competition was on December first and they came in sixth place out of 12. We are incredibly proud and we look forward to helping them grow and do better next year.