Scrimmages, Stuff and BoulderHeads!
With only one week left, everyone is in a rush to get things done, but we’re still going strong, just a little sleep deprived!
The last of the pieces for the robot came in on Friday night and that night was spent deburrig them all.  FROgramming also got some more coding done.  Assembly also added the Cow-Tapult and the The Sharp Pointy Teeth.  It’s just crazy how nicely everything is coming together.
Earlier this week, our team buttons arrived! If you happen to be at the Hatboro Horsham competition in the first weekend of March, stop by our pit and get yourself and official Team 5401 pin!
Today, our day is being spent with the Agnes Irwin School’s team The Femme Tech Fatales, who are using our practice space since they don’t have one of their own. It’s a great day to have a scrimmage!  Its was also good to see other teams play styles and their take on the game.
Overall, its been an amazing 5 weeks and it just keeps getting better here at Team 5401. But all things must end eventually, so watch out for are last build season update to come out next week and the robot reveal.
Shout out to all the BoulderHeads out there! (Bonus points to however figures out who this BoulderHead is)