Super Fun Start To Build Season!
WOW! Two weeks have flown by and we have been working hard!  We started and finished the manufacturing of the drive base and superstructure for the practice bot. The drive base is fully functional with the exception of shifting. The superstructure has a gear delivery prototype on it that has proved successful so far. The next step on is to finalize the design by making it more aesthetically pleasing and lighter. The CAD team is working on the design of the climbing mechanism and shooter. We have a very accurate prototype of a shooter that collects balls from a hopper. Also, programming team is moving through PID control, drive base and subsystem commands, and vision processing. Additionally, the business team has been hard at work getting last minute sponsors and finalizing the business plan.
Last but certainty not least, we have been getting our scouting plan together! We hope all teams are enjoying the build season festivities! We sure are!