The Home Stretch!
Hello you beautiful humans and robots! This is the home stretch to the end of our build season and everyone on the team could not be more sleep deprived if they tried! But that is not stopping the flow of work from happening.
As this week comes to an end, we are working hard to finish our robot in time for bag day. This final full week has consisted of fixing bugs, drive practice, integrating important mechanisms (What mechanisms you ask? Perhaps a climber. Perhaps a gear grabber. Perhaps a a flame thrower. You’ll have to wait and see!), finishing the frames for our competition robot, as well as some other things (Like scrambling around trying to get everything done in time). Although these next few days will be extremely stressful and tiring, the end result will make it all worth it. We can do this!
This weekend, we were once again graced with the presence of the Agnes Irwin girls of Team 709, who used our practice space. Thank you for coming and driving with us, we’re always happy to have you.
Don’t forget to get your FRO gear for competition season. (Link to our team store is above.) Remember the sooner you order anything from the store, the better chance you have it by our first competition. If you want something that is not in our team store, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to get it on the store for you. (Note: The shirts run small!)