

This is the dictionary of the words used by Team 5401, including words we have come up with. Usually puns to be honest.


Andy Windhousen; Technical Mentor and co-founder of Team 5401.


Bat Cave; The Frogramming lab

Bot; Short for robot.

Business Manager; A position on student leadership that is voted on by the team. The person who wins this position is in charge of our business team.

Bundle of Sentences; A grouping of sentences not quite large enough to be a paragraph typically used by Alex.


CAD; Computer Aided Design.

Chewie; Kevin and Virginia McKay’s dog.

Chief Engineer; A position on student leadership that is voted on by the team. The person who wins this position is in charge of the machine shop.

Classified; Classified.

Comic sans;  The font you do not use. (Unless it’s for ironic purposes)


Deharshing; When you fix harshed thing(s) (See “Harshing” if confused).

Discluded; The opposite of included. “Don’t disclude me.”  – Alex

Dougherty sentence; A sentence that makes Alex go “Oh God!”

Doobleedoo; Literally anything.

Duckduckgo it; Pi team’s replacement for “Google it”.




Fabrication; The action or process of manufacturing or inventing something.

Flurry-da; when there are snow flurries in Florida.

Freshamore; A first year who went to the summer program

Fightin’ Robotic Owls; Who we are and the unshorted version of FRO.

Fro; an acronym for Fightin’ Robotic Owls.

Frocabulary; Vocabulary with Fro.

Frocus; Focus with Fro.

FroDM; Fro design manual.

Frofessional; professional with Fro.

Frogramming; Programming with Fro.

Frog-ramming;  What auto-correct tried to tell us ‘Frogramming’ is.

Froictionary; What you are reading now.

Frolicious; A combination of ‘FRO’ and ‘Delicious’.

Froling; Freshmen or rookies on the team.

Fro-lumni; An alumni of Team 5401.

Frotastic; A mixing of the words ‘FRO’ and ‘Fantastic’.

FRO Of The Week; An award given to one team member each week for doing something worth recognition, that is nominated by someone else on the team.


Gadget; 1)The name of the mouse that lives in the business room. 2) A cartoon mouse that is worshiped by a cult in Russia.

Geonosis; The pit.

Go;  (1) To move or proceed. (2) When said loudly (mostly by Andy) must be followed by FRO


Harshing; When you break stuff, possibly a lot of stuff, especially the driver. (Thank Harsh for this word)

Henry; The 2016-2017 robot for FIRST steamworks.

Hogwarts; The CADD area.




Jabberwock; nonsense, gibberish.

James (Jimmy-James) Kane; the first Head safety engineer and the second PM.

Josh Luther; Cad and Fabrication Mentor.



Kevin McKay; Frogramming Mentor and co-founder of Team 5401


Lead Safety Engineer; A position on student leadership that is voted on by the team. The person who wins this is in charge of the things like our gloves and glasses. (This person is NOT in charge of YOUR safety, YOU are)


Matt Garfield; Pit Team 2014-15. Robot Captain 2015-16. PM 2016-17.

Mr. Hawk; Team parent and Fabrication Mentor.

Mr. Rosenberg; Team parent and Fabrication Mentor.

Mrs. Garfield; Team parent and Safety Mentor.

Moatieness; The ability to cross the moat multiple times, used particularly for FIRST Stronghold.

Mordor; The machine shop.


Nubbin; A small piece of PVC that connects two fittings.


Outreach; Spreading FIRST in our community.


Pre-Frolings; Middle school students who want to join the team. (Most of them will not make it to build season)

PM; Program Manager (selected by the mentors after competition season)

Pop; Team grandparent Metal/Wood Fabrication Mentor.


Raptor; 2015 Recycle Rush robot.

Recycle Rush; 2015 FRC game.


Safety Captain; A position on student leadership that is voted on by the team. The person who wins this is in charge of the things like our gloves and glasses. We call this person Chief Safety Engineer. (This person is NOT in charge of YOUR safety, YOU are)

Sir Safety; Our safety knight in shining armor.(he actually has a lot of sharp edges so don’t touch him)

STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics.

Steamworks; 2017 FRC game.

Stronghold; 2016 FRC game.


Ten Forward; The place where we eat.

The Arena; the field.

Thingamawhatsit; What Andy calls things when he can’t think of the real name but everyone knows what he’s talking about.

Tim; Our 2016 Stronghold robot.

Torque; A twisting force.

Ubiquarian; one who seems to be everywhere at once (Alex).


Virginia McKay; Non-technical Mentor. Business Mentor.


Whatchamacallit; What Andy calls things when he can’t think of the real name but everyone knows what he’s talking about.


X-coordinates; a location on the x-axis.


Y-coordinates; a location on the y-axis.


Z-coordinates; a location on the z-axis.