

Chief Safety Engineer
Kelly Dennis, Junior

Q: What grade are you in?
A: 11th grade

Q: What is your official title on the team?
A: Safety Engineer

Q: What guidance do you offer to other students on the team?
A: I’m very friendly and offer open arms to everyone on the team making sure they’re comfortable and also some guidance when working on things first hand like when to wear the correct PPE to working with tools.

Q: How many years have you been on the team?
A: 3 1/2 years, I started the summer before my freshman year.

Q: How has being on Team 5401 impacted your life?
A: It’s made be become a part of something that I will remember for a long time, I’ve made lifelong friends also gaining confidence, knowledge and leadership skills.

Q: What are your plans after high school? Has being a part of this team impacted your way of thinking about the future? If so, how?
A: I plan to go to college for nursing or for biology and interning at a hospital. it’s made me way more confident when coming to a problem that I need to solve on my own which helps with what I want to do for my career.

Q: Do you have a trademark saying the team knows you by? If yes, what is it?
A: I don’t have a trademark saying.